As you can see, the CBR600RR may have a ‘smaller’ engine when it comes to overall displacement but it will MURDER and I mean murder the CBR650F in any type of race you could come up with. Here’s the CBR600RR VS CBR650F when it comes to their horsepower & torque numbers (table below) as well as weight and power-to-weight ratios. One thing I want to break down real quick as this is a common question I’m asked when it comes to the CBR600RR and its 5th-cousin – the CBR650F… How does the 2017 CBR600RR stack up against the CBR650F? Please Click “Like” & “Share” if you found any of this 2017 CBR Info Helpful – Thanks guys! If it does, bare with me as I get to the nitty-gritty specs you want on the 2017 CBR600RR below. Because of this and finding out that I have more and more newcomers to the motorcycle world reading my blog I want to be as detailed as possible even if it may seem redundant to some. Over the years the term ‘sport bike’ has become more and more gray so-to-say. If you’ve been around motorcycles for a while you may think the question “What is the CBR600RR?” is a dumb question but it really isn’t as I get asked almost daily what exactly Honda’s letters like CBR / RR mean and how do they stack up against models that also include the CBR nameplate but only have one “R” like the CBR300R and CBR500R and then you also have models like the CBR650F that don’t carry that “R” nameplate but are still considered ‘sport bikes’. What is the CBR600RR? It is Honda’s entry into the 600cc SuperSport / Sport Bike model segment. – EXTREMELY Detailed 2017 CBR 600 RR Buyer’s Guide: HP & TQ Performance Numbers / Price / Specs + More on Honda’s 600cc Sport Bike / Motorcycle – Everything you Need to Know about the 2017 CBR600RR in one place!Īlright guys, tonight we’re going to dive into the newly released information on the 2017 CBR600RR.